Lemeshchuk Natalya

Lemeshchuk Natalya

Lemeshchuk Natalya

Mediation in the resolution of conflicts related to the spheres of intellectual property (IP) and information technologies (IT), including: (1) disputes related to the creation, implementation and protection of rights to computer programs, databases, literary and artistic works, inventions, trademarks, utility models, geographical indications, commercial names, plant varieties and other intellectual property; (2) or those arising during the conclusion, execution, modification and termination of copyright agreements, license agreements, agreements on the transfer of intellectual property rights, agreements on the coexistence of trademarks, etc.

General information

I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University (1995);
The Institute of Intellectual Property and Law (2007)
Specialization in the sphere of intellectual property, spheres of business
Mediation in the resolution of conflicts related to the spheres of intellectual property (IP) and information technologies (IT), including: (1) disputes related to the creation, implementation and protection of rights to computer programs, databases, literary and artistic works, inventions, trademarks, utility models, geographical indications, commercial names, plant varieties and other intellectual property; (2) or those arising during the conclusion, execution, modification and termination of copyright agreements, license agreements, agreements on the transfer of intellectual property rights, agreements on the coexistence of trademarks, etc.
Work format, region
Exclusively remote
Language(s) of mediation
Ukrainian; english; russian; slovak

Mediator training

Basic trainings
The subject of educational activity that carried out the training
NGO "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation"
Course name
Basic training of a mediator
Number of hours
Year of study
Specialized training
The organization that carried out the training
State Department of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Course name
Professional development courses for specialists in the sphere of intellectual property
Year of study
The organization that carried out the training
National Association of Patent Attorneys of Ukraine (NAPA)
Course name
Seminars and webinars for IP professionals
Year of study
The organization that carried out the training
Intellectual Property Institute of Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic
Course name
Industrial property rights
Year of study
Professional development
The organization that carried out the training
NGO "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation"
Course name
VI International Forum "Mediation and Law"

Additional information

  • I have been working in the legal industry since 1995, with a focus on intellectual property since 2002.
  • Since February 2003, I have been practicing as an attorney-at-law ( certificate No. 1091 dated February 17, 2003).
  • Additionally, I became a patent attorney of Ukraine in December 2007 (certificate No. 318 dated December 25, 2007).
  • Since 2009, I have been the founder and head of LEX INTELS IP Law Firm, LLC, which offers a complete range of services related to the identification, registration, and judicial protection of intellectual property rights. Our services cover trademarks, geographical indications, industrial designs, inventions, utility models, plant varieties, topographies of integrated microcircuits, objects of copyright, and related rights.
  • Moreover, I became an international lawyer of the Slovak Republic in 2023 (certificate No. 500523 dated March 28, 2023).

I am currently a member of the following professional organizations:

  • Ukrainian National Bar Association (UNBA)
  • National Association of Patent Attorneys of Ukraine (NAPA)
  • Slovak Bar Association (SAK)
  • International Trademark Association (INTA)
  • International Association of Intellectual Property Firms (AIPF)
  • Association of MBAs (AMBA)