Kovalko Nataliia

Kovalko Nataliia

Kovalko Nataliia

Contractual disputes (including contract disputes involving foreign parties); disputes in the construction and development business; labour and team conflicts; financial and banking disputes (between lenders and borrowers); IP disputes; disputes between business co-owners regarding ownership of property (real estate, land or other assets) or terms of its use

General information

Lawyer; economist; psychologist
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (1997 - 2003);
International Institute of Market Relations and Entrepreneurship (1999 - 2002);
Kyiv University of Market Relations, KUMR (2003 - 2004);
Institute of Continuing Education of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in English (2013 - 2016)
Specialization in the sphere of intellectual property, spheres of business
Contractual disputes (including contract disputes involving foreign parties);
Disputes in the construction and development business;
Labour and team conflicts;
Financial and banking disputes (between lenders and borrowers);
IP disputes;
Disputes between business co-owners regarding ownership of property (real estate, land or other assets) or terms of its use
Work format, region
Mixed format, all of Ukraine
Language(s) of mediation
Ukrainian; english; russian

Mediator training

Basic trainings
The subject of educational activity that carried out the training
Institute For Peace And Common Ground
Course name
Basic professional competencies of mediator
Number of hours
Year of study
The subject of educational activity that carried out the training
German Academy of Advocates (DAA)
Course name
Specialised basic course "Mediation for Lawyers" in the framework of the Ukrainian-German project "Lawyer-Mediator"
Number of hours
Year of study
The subject of educational activity that carried out the training
Ukrainian Mediation Center (UMC), Edwards Mediation Academy
Course name
Mediation Skills Course
Number of hours
Year of study
Specialized training
The organization that carried out the training
World Intellectual Property Organization
Course name
Summer School on Intellectual Property
Number of hours
Year of study
Professional development
The organization that carried out the training
The Mediator GmbH
Course name
Advanced training course in mediation
Number of hours
Year of study
The organization that carried out the training
KMBS, Ukrainian Mediation Center
Course name
Programme "How to make a successful business from mediation and coaching?"
Year of study
The organization that carried out the training
Steinbeis Consulting Center for Business Mediation
Course name
International online-workshops at 8th International Leipzig Mediation Forum – the Steinbeis Days from 27th – 29th June 2022 (Steinbeis Advisory Center for Business Mediation
Year of study
The organization that carried out the training
University of Bergamo and the Restorative Justice Office of Caritas of Bergamo, with the collaboration of the Italian Caritas
Course name
Summer school «The justice of the encounter. Foundations and itineraries of restorative justice»
Number of hours
Year of study
The organization that carried out the training
Ukrainian Academy of Mediation under the EU CONSENT Project, the EU-funded Project “Pravo-Justice” and the USAID-funded Program “Justice for All”
Course name
Participation in the VII International Forum "Mediation and Law"
Number of hours
Year of study

Additional information

  • Founder and Board member of the NGO «Business Mediators Union» (https://www.facebook.com/UBM.INFO/);
  • Lecturer of the certification educational programs «Theory and Practice of Mediation» at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv); «Professional Mediator» at Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Chernivtsi); «Mediation. Basic professional competencies» on the basis of the educational-advisory center of mediation «Partner-Pro» of the Faculty of International Trade and Law of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (Kyiv);
  • Member of the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine and the National Association of Mediation of Labor and Corporate Disputes;
  • Member of the working group on developing professional standards in the field of mediation;
  • DTEK Academy Certified Business Coach for Effective Communication, Conflict Resolution and Argumentation Practices;
  • Co-author of the textbook «Mediation in the Professional Practice of Lawyers» (2019);
  • Was part of the working group that developed a draft law on mediation and promoted legislative initiatives for the legalization of mediation in Ukraine.